How can Account Statements keep money flowing?
Many businesses don’t send account statements, which is surprising. Most customers find statements helpful for keeping track of their own payments while serving as a reminder that a bill is coming due.
As if that’s not enough of a reason, Account Statements can do even more:
1. Statements keep money flowing
Customers who use statements to check their own records can easily and quickly verify that the numbers are correct. The sooner they’re satisfied that everything is in order, the more quickly they pay when the bill arrives.
2. Statements highlight discrepancies
If the statement numbers don’t match up with your customer’s records, this will bring it to light early so you can avoid disputes altogether.
3. Statements keep you in the forefront
Receiving statements with your company logo and contact information helps to keep your business top of mind.
4. Statements plant seeds
Statements subtly tell your customer that you’re on top of things and that you expect them to be on top of it, too.
5. Statements provide excellent customer service
Account statements can be a real time saver for your customer. Not only are you providing an easy summary but your contact information is handy, too. Many customers come to rely on statements as a checkpoint each month.
6. Statements can eliminate the need for past due notices
They serve as a gentle reminder of money that is owed. It’s not a bill, so there’s no threat attached. And since statements can help to prompt payment, you’re likely to send fewer past due notices.
Consider adding account statements to your monthly routine. You may find that the added expense really pays off.